eBay Japan Awards
Category Growth Award for Watches
Category Growth Award for Cameras & Photo
Corporate Division
Syuppin Co.,Ltd. Shimpei Ono & Teisyou
We believe that occasionally reviewing and realizing feedback from customers will lead to an improvement in our work.

- Watches
- Camera
We believe that occasionally reviewing and realizing feedback from customers will lead to an improvement in our work.
The award will be presented to sellers who have achieved remarkable growth rates in the categories of interest and have contributed to increased sales in 2021.
Award comment
I would like to express my sincere gratitude for receiving the prestigious Category Growth Award. We are grateful to eBay Japan for their continuous support in helping us to meet our daily challenges. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude. We will continue to make sincere efforts to deliver high quality products to our customers all over the world through eBay. Thank you again for your continued support.
What kind of year was 2021 for your company?
It was a year where we were able to significantly increase our business performance due to the rise in global EC demand and the weakening of the Japanese yen, which provided a strong tailwind for exports. In addition, we switched to managed payments before the summer, which expanded our product range and enhanced our payment methods, which I believe increased the number of customers using our services. With the addition of new team members, it has been a very fulfilling year, even though we are constantly facing the challenge of the Covid disaster.
What was the biggest highlight of your business in 2021?
Since we mainly focus on the US market, the highlight of 2021 was that we received orders in March and April that greatly exceeded our expectations due to the coincidence of the tax refund and stimulus checks in the US. Another highlight was that we were able to increase the number of items on sale by switching to Managed payment, which allowed us to sell high value items, and we were able to increase sales by making good use of campaigns for high value items.
Any advice for sellers aiming to win the awards?
The daily exchange of messages with customers is what I enjoy about my job as a sales representative, and the feedback that customers leave behind is what encourages me the most. Although it is often difficult due to the nature of the job of selling overseas, I believe that looking back at the feedback from customers from time to time and realizing that there is joy in people's efforts will lead to the next good work.