eBay Japan Awards
Category Growth Award for Animation Art & Merchandise Corporate Division
Ra・Mu INC. Hitoshi Ogawa, CEO
I am very happy to receive such an award from my favorite eBay. I will continue to challenge myself positively.

- Animation Art & Merchandise
I am very happy to receive such an award from my favorite eBay. I will continue to challenge myself positively.
The award will be presented to sellers who have achieved remarkable growth rates in the categories of interest and have contributed to increased sales in 2021.
Award comment
I would like to thank you very much for this award. Since the outbreak of Covid, many things in the world have changed, and 2021 has been a year of challenges for our company. I believe that our consistent and positive approach to challenges has led to this result, and we will continue to take on challenges in a positive manner without fear. I would like to continue to challenge positively without fear. In this context, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone at eBay Japan, not only but all the way up to now. Thank you for your continued support I am very happy to receive such an award from my favorite eBay.
What kind of year was 2021 for your company?
Especially after the Covid outbreak, I have been at the mercy of various factors such as the international shipping situation. It has been a year of challenges for me, as I have had to change the way I sell on eBay.
Any advice for sellers aiming to win the awards?
I believe that each person has his or her own way of doing things. I think it's important to find the way that suits you best and keep doing it.