eBay Japan Awards
Traffic Award
Animac Co., Ltd.
Ryuichi Ueno
Executive Vice President
While the physical stores were affected by covid-19 and faced a headwind, the cross-border business performed well thanks to our efforts. Despite the headwind, overall it was a "cloudy and sometimes sunny" year.

- Watches
- Collectible Card Games
While the physical stores were affected by covid-19 and faced a headwind, the cross-border business performed well thanks to our efforts. Despite the headwind, overall it was a "cloudy and sometimes sunny" year.
This award is given to sellers who have effectively used marketing tools such as Promoted Listing and have achieved excellent results in terms of traffic data such as impressions and page views.
Award comment
Thank you very much for giving us this prestigious award. Our entire staff is surprised and delighted. We will use it as energy for our future business activities and devote ourselves to further success. We would also like to thank the staff of various departments of eBay Japan for their advice, cooperation and efforts. I appreciate your further support in the future. Thank you very much.
What was the biggest highlight of your business in 2021?
In terms of cross-border EC business, I would say the launch of "Managed Payments" on eBay, and the transition from Paypal to Payoneer, which was a change that benefited sellers in many ways.
Any advice for sellers aiming to win the awards?
Whenever possible, put yourself in the buyer's shoes and ask yourself how you can make it easier for them to buy. How can we make them feel less anxious about purchasing? How can we make them happy? We will continue to strive, improve, and update our website to fulfill 100% of the requirements of creating product information, taking pictures, responding to inquiries, packing and shipping, and handling problems.