eBay Japan Awards
Seller of the Year
JP.Company Co., Ltd. Jumpei Araki
Awarded for three consecutive years.

- Clothing
- Bag
- Accessories
Awarded for three consecutive years.
The award will be given to the top seller with the best overall evaluation of sales performance and feedback from buyers on "eBay" in 2021.
Award comment
We are all very happy to receive the big award , Seller of the year. This award would not have been possible without the hard work of all our staff, the generous support of the eBay Japan staff, and the cooperation of our shipping company in the midst of the logistical chaos. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them.
What kind of year was 2021 for your company?
Although the impact of this year has been less than in 2020, I think it was still a year of left and right movement due to the changes in the Corona disaster environment. I felt that we grew as a company because we were able to do what we could do without getting upset under such circumstances.
What was the biggest highlight of your business in 2021?
As in 2020, I think the key point for our business this year was to respond to Corona. I think the highlight of our company was that we were able to change our internal system in response to the transformation of the antique market business, which is centered on the Internet format.
Any advice for sellers aiming to win the awards?
I believe that the best thing to do is to focus on what you are good at, specialize in it and making the most of your individuality. In continuing to do what you're good at, if you keep repeating affirmations and negations to do a better job, the results will naturally come back to you.